Many scientific studies and researches show that lack of sleep
leads to many health disorders. One sleep disorder that affects health is termed
Insomnia. There are many factors that lead to this condition. Caffeinated
beverages, drugs, stress, psychological disorders, hormonal imbalance etc. are
some causes of this disorder. Apart from these causes, another important cause
is good posture.

Sometimes insomnia can be cured by maintaining a good posture
while sleeping. If you are a victim of this sleep disorder, you should make
sure that you sleep on a natural memory foam mattress that supports your body,
head, shoulders and neck in proper position for proper blood circulation.
Due to lesser muscle contraction while sleeping, blood circulation
decreases to the head and neck. If you sleep on surfaces that support your body
contours you create optimum blood flow. For natural sleep alternatives, choose
a comfortable mattress and pillow that caters to your sleeping needs.
After years of research, a number of foam mattresses, ergonomic
pillows, latex mattresses and other quality cushions are manufactured to
prevent and treat insomnia and other sleep related disorders. These mattresses
and accessories are skin friendly, anti-allergic, and
support body alignment for a better quality sleep.